Saturday, July 7, 2012

We Can Create Magic and Miracles Part 1

Namaste!  I salute the inner light within you!  
                 Dare to Dream because Dreams Come True!

I invite you to join me for a 4 part series on learning to align ourself and work with 'The Universal Law' of Attraction in order to manifest our dreams and create the life and the reality we wish to live.  You will no doubt have heard some of these ideas before and be familiar with some of the concepts and teachings.  Nonetheless, I learned from being a school teacher for many years that repetition is a needed and successful teaching method and tool. 

The Univeral Law of Attraction is an impersonal Law which has been in operation for time immemorial and shall always be on the manifested worlds of duality and polarity.  I invite you to read the blogs with an open mind and heart.  Accept what resonates and put on the shelf for later, or disregard what may not resonate.  Nobody possesses 'T' with a capital T.  Nobody knows everything for the mind simply cannot absorb and hold infinite information.  The adepts and masters have known about this universal law of attraction/manifestation/creation for centuries and have endeavored to pass the teachings on to posterity.  Beloved Jesus the Christ, Sananda, taught the principles as well as did many others. 

I invite you to read on and it is my wish and fervent desire that your dreams, hopes and wishes begin manifesting right away. 

The law of attraction is a very popular topic these days. More people are beginning to realize that there is a strong connection between what thoughts and feelings they have and what actually manifests in their day to day life and experiences. To my delight more people are realizing and coming to the understanding that prosperity and abundance begin in the mind first.

The thoughts and what we hold in our minds do make their way into the realm of physical manifestation. This is why it is so vitally important to be aware of our thoughts. Our thoughts determine our feelings and what we 'feel' determines what experiences and circumstances life brings to us. Life will bring us positive situations or negative ones based on what we think and feel. It is as simple as that and can be no other way.

Most of us fluctuate like the tides upon the shores. Sometimes we drift in the positive flow and find that what we desire and need have a way of coming to us. Other times we seem to be filled with thoughts and feelings of a negative nature and so-called 'bad' or 'negative' things happen to us. Nothing really happens to us. Everything is attracted to us based on whether our thoughts and feelings be positive or negative. I know I may sound a bit redundant and repetitive here, but it is so vital that we comprehend this concept if we want to attract happiness and prosperity in our lives.

We are learning that we are not puppets to some grand being or force who dictates our lives. We are the puppet masters and we pull our own strings. What this means is that we can control our thoughts and feelings to a great degree. This might sound like very radical thinking to those who believe that we are pawns on some big cosmic chess board and we are moved wherever destiny wants us to be moved. Such people often easily fall into the 'victim poor me' mode and mentality when so-called bad things happen. They blame God, life, or destiny for their sad unhappy lots and these will be the first people to say something like "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all."

I have nothing but compassion and sympathy for such people for I have been where they are.  I know what it is like to live a miserable life where frustrations and struggle and lack are the norm.  I know what it is like to be broke most of the time and to barely get by. I very well remember when a lucky day would be if I could afford a taco-bell bean burrito for less than a dollar and maybe I could buy two if I were really lucky.  When life was really good I could even afford a coke. I use the word 'afford' because I figured out if I was ever going to have anything decent I had to stop my constant use of negative expressions like, I can't afford. I don't have.  Maybe some day. I will. I would like to go to Europe etc. They are all negative statements which guarantee that we can want to go to Europe until the cows come home and still never go. Maybe is one of the worst words we can use when it comes to attracting prosperity and abundance.

For years I constantly used such negative phrases which only reinforced my negative thoughts which reinforced my basic belief that the universe did not consider me worthy of prosperity and abundance. After doing some soul searching and much inner work, I discovered that my basic outlook on life was a combination of negative beliefs as well as some very positive ones. It almost felt as if I were two completely different people at times. At a young age I would constantly read the Bible and memorize the positive thinking verses in the New Testament. Some of my favorites were " ask and ye shall receive," "I have come that you have life and have life abundantly." Knock and the door shall be opened." and the list goes on. 

Some wonderful books have helped me understand and grasp 'The Law of Attraction.'  Especially helpful were:  Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent peale, As A Man Thinketh by James Allen and How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie. When I was thirteen I prayed to God everyday to find me a nice foster home and a college to attend. These prayers were positive thoughts that were backed up by positive expectations. I would also give gratitude for my wishes being granted and visualize them as being granted. It never occurred to me that I would not get away from a horrible home and that I would not go to college. That was the faith that Jesus said causes the mountain to fall into the sea if we have enough faith.

Then as though a completely different person took over, I'd drift into a negative spiral and it seems that all I could do would be to dwell on what I did not have. The more I dwelled on the 'have nots' the more lack infiltrated my life.  So yes, I have been there and still deal with the positive and negative feelings and thoughts that I have at different times. I am by no means a saint or an expert when it comes to manifesting hopes and dreams. But like anything we can achieve results with practice and I have gotten better at it with much practice.

With many magical positive experiences and many depressing negative thoughts and feelings under my belt so to speak, in time I began to realize that I could choose to have positive or negative thoughts and feelings. I found that the more emphasis I gave on the one versus the other, the more experiences I would have, be they positive or negative.

Becoming accustomed to the see saw ride of the positive and negative, I decided that I needed to tilt the see saw so that it moved more in the positive direction on a constant consistent basis. There is nothing that we cannot achieve and accomplish if we set our minds strongly on the task and goal. This includes evaluating our mind sets and beliefs and becoming willing to challenge and then dismiss and toss those beliefs which do not serve us.

Blessings, Mikethe Psychic/Poet/Channel/Metaphysical Spiritual Teacher and Author of metaphysical books: Morning Coffee With God and God's Many Mansions / 


The 'As If' Aspect of Positive Thinking

Someone was recently talking about positive thinking. Does it really work? Does it work consistently? How come it seems to work for some and not others? are all questions I have pondered.

One of the concepts that came up was 'the acting as if your dream is true now'. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale talks about the "ACTING AS IF" principle in one of his classic books. I'm constantly emphasizing that to clients and myself as well. From the age of 10 to 17 I gave thanks, prayed and ''acted as if' I was in college.

My senior year of high school, Berea College, Berea, KY accepted me after I wrote them a heart felt honest letter. So yes, this 'ACTING AS IF' concept does work. Maybe not every single day, if we are not in the flow constantly, and most of us are not always not always in the flow, maybe to teach us patience, humility? But when we are in the flow that is great!
Blessings,  Mikethe Psychic/Poet/Channel/Metaphysical Spiritual Teacher and Author of  metaphysical books:  Morning Coffee With God  and  God's Many Mansions  /  

Friday, July 6, 2012

Oh My Soul, Text


I am a very strong believer that we all possess spirit guides and guardian angels who assist us on our earth journey and mission. It behooves us to call out and get to know our guides, for there is much they can do for us. I also believe that we possess inner guides as well and that one of our most precious guides is our very own 'soul.' Many years ago when going through some dark nights of the soul, I asked my soul for guidance. I was given a 'writing' from a deeper level of my being. I know that we can all make the deeper connection to our soul and we can receive information and answers to our questions. This 'writing' Oh, my soul, is from my metaphysical book, Morning Coffee With God, published by Ozark Mountain Publishing in 2009. Enjoy!

Oh, My Soul

The next few days I was busy with practical things that needed tending to. I welcomed a little inactivity from my inner world, but the following Monday my divine guest showed up bright and early. I was beginning to enjoy sleeping and dreaming in ways I never had before or even thought possible.

Mr. Divine was casually dressed in denim jeans and a bulky knit multi-colored sweater, and brand new white Nike walking shoes. I knew the chill in my kitchen would be ebbed away by the fireplace. When he looked at me I melted into those deep, penetrating, mysterious, blue eyes. There was so much I wanted to ask him, so much I wanted and needed to talk about, but the look in his eyes told me to be patient. Questions and queries could wait. Mr. Divine was my guest and it was my responsibility to make him comfortable. He waited for me to speak.

“Would you like to sit over here by the fireplace? I will pull the coffee table close by and you can enjoy the warmth of the fire while I brew some coffee,” I said excitedly.

“It is so comfortable and cozy in this kitchen.”

“I spend a lot of time in this room. I even have a computer set up in the back corner where I do some writing. I like a warm fire in an otherwise cold room; it seems to take me to another place and time. Does that make sense to you?” I stammered the question to him.

“Right now I am more interested in that delightful robust scent that is drifting throughout this kitchen. I want to drink the aroma in,” Mr. Divine soothingly spoke.

“It is flavored coffee, Hazelnut, one of my favorites that I thought you might enjoy. It never needs cream nor sugar; it bellows flavor before it is even tasted,” I explained.

“Let’s just sit and sip for awhile. I want to know that you hear with your heart,” he said with his eyes lazily closed, his hands wrapped around the hot coffee cup that was resting on his lap.

I could actually hear the silence. How do I explain this? I know it sounded strange but I just knew I could hear the silence. What was the silence saying? What was the explanation of the sounds? I took another sip and slipped into another place, along side Mr. Divine. Where were we going? my mind kept asking and the silence kept speaking. How long would it take before I could understand the language of the silence?

Moments passed. Perhaps hours or even days. I had completely lost count of time. I was in another world far away from here. In this world the silence ruled. After what seemed an eternity, I began to hear from the gentle wells of the silence a soft murmur. I leaned and cocked my head forward and Mr. Divine gently spoke these words.

“Michael, the Silence is a good mentor and friend. It bestows many gifts for those who take the time to listen.”

“I have received many writings after being in the silence. There were times when I would spend two or even three hours in silent meditation. I noticed that my writings became deeper, and I think much better and more clearly after some of those long meditations. And to think some people consider meditation a waste of time. One of my favorite “writings” Oh my soul,came to me after a long meditation. It confirmed my belief and need for time in the silence and solitude.”

Mr. Divine’s eyes lit up in a twinkling glow. “I would love to hear Oh my soul, Michael.”

“It is a writing that I have memorized.”

“I know,” he said smiling.

I closed my eyes and with much honor and excitement I slowly

recited Oh my soulto my most supreme guest.

Oh, my Soul!

Oh, my Soul!
I hardly knew you at all.

Wasted years I spent chasing happiness and peace through ephemeral satisfactions only to have them disappear being replaced by the illusory goblins of bitterness, yearning, and sorrow. I have been an actor hiding behind the mask of delusion. How could anyone possibly know me when I have been disguised from myself? After so many performances of counterfeit roles, I began disappearing into the facade, gradually losing all sense of self.

Oh, my Soul!

Why did I lock you away in the somber dungeon of forgetfulness where the dark shadows and cobwebs of pain and suffering nearly blurred your image beyond recognition? Is it no wonder there was only deadness and hollow emptiness inside my heart? I ignored your cries until they dwindled to mere faint whispers I heard only in moments of quiet desperation, whose only power was to evoke a black incomprehensible sadness which disappeared with the night only to return again and again to haunt me.

Oh, my Soul, such estrangement and alienation from you embittered my heart, suffocating my life way with the ropes of apathy and despair. How I feared those vague moments of reverie when my heart heard your solemn faint echoes.

Oh, my Soul! How have you survived such abandon? How you kept from being mercilessly devoured by my doubts and fears is a mystery I cannot penetrate. Perhaps you fled during my nights of restless sleep, receiving nourishment and inspiration from some unknown source beyond mortal confines. Perhaps there you drank from magical rivers to renew your strength.

The source of your life is an enigma to me, but need I know your origin nor understand you to love you, beseech you for help, and in humble gratitude accept your gifts? My intuition says no. Despite my fear of becoming a walking incarnation of death, I cried out to you to rescue me from the lonely pit of despair and agonizing solitude. Utterly exhausted, I hobbled to the mirror hoping you would show me your face. Slowly, I opened my eyes and beheld a radiant smile I had not seen before.

“Oh, my Soul,”I cried in tearful ecstasy. “You still live.”

“Yes,”an inner voice replied, “and so will you. Your call was the key to release me from the dungeon of forgetfulness and death. Henceforth, you will be embraced by life.”

“Oh, my Soul, your strength is slowly bringing life back to me, awakening and resurrecting buried hopes and dreams. Like a child, I am comforted by your embrace. In your heart dwells the secrets and answers to life which you are imparting to me.”

“I will lock you away no more. I open my mind and heart to you. My nightmarish slumber is over. It is time to merge in your love and then share my story with others who would hear the voice of their soul.

“Oh, my Soul, at last, my heart to thee do I wed!”

I softly repeated the last line over and over, “Oh, my Soul, at last, my heart to thee do I wed!” I opened my eyes slowly. It felt like I was floating in the air. I don’t think I had ever felt so calm and serene. Mr. Divine seemed to glow even more than usual. His eyes were closed and I sensed that he was in another place. I wanted to ask him what he thought of Oh my soul but the mere thought of talking seemed inappropriate and even cumbersome. I closed my eyes again. Perhaps I could somehow go to that magical place of mystique where he was. Perhaps the silence could take me there?

Blessings,  Mikethe Psychic/Poet/Channel/Metaphysical Spiritual Teacher and Author of  metaphysical books:  Morning Coffee With God  and  God's Many Mansions  /  

Oh, My Soul


      Greetings:  From Mike the Psychic Author


 I salute the inner light within you! 

Dare to Dream because Dreams Come True! 


Blog:   Oh, My Soul 

It is with much joy that I present my first BLOG.  It is titled 'Oh, My Soul' and is posted on the next blog.  I will be offering many more blogs in the future covering a vast arena of metaphysical, spiritual, self-help, Psychology, nutrition, and other Mind/Body/Spirit topics.  It is my desire that you accept what resonates to your mind, heart and spirit and disregard the rest.  For none of us have copyrights on 'truth' as 'truth' (that is with a small 't') on the realms of duality are always subject to reevaluation, revision and even rejection as greater understanding knowledge and wisdom are acquired.   Blessings to you! 

I am a professional Metaphysical/Spiritual/Self-help Author, Poet and Teacher.  For most of my life, writing has  put me in touch with my soul (part of our spirit that connects us to all life and to each other) where greater truths, knowledge and information exist to expedite the path of self-discovery, healing, evolution and sharing with others. 

My first book, Halfway to Heaven, published in 2002 is about an angelic visitation at the age of 13 and how divine help enabled me to overcome a difficult childhood, attend college and become a Spiritual/Self-Help Counselor/Psychic.

Later, I made contact with Other-Worldly Teachers, Ascended Masters, Benevolent Et's and members of my Star-Family who provided deep, spiritual teachings and practical lessons.  They refer to them selves as our Elder Brothers and Sisters.  My first metaphysical book, Morning Coffee With God, published in 2009 by Ozark Mountain Publishing, describes visits and teachings by one such being.  My second book God's Many Mansions, published in 2010, contains profound as well as practical teachings and lessons from the beloved Elder Brothers and sisters.

I offer talks on spiritual metaphysical topics and teachings from my books at Psychic Fairs, Spirit Festivals and various conferences, along with Psychic Readings and Spiritual Counseling.  I also offer blogs, Q & A columns, Thoughts for the week and other goodies on my website  

Feel free to visit my website where I have a link posted to my books which are available at Bn and   To sample some of my other articles on many spiritual topics, please feel free to visit me at   or at Twitter:  Name  WriterMike P.  Many blessings and may your dreams all come true.   Michael Dennis