Friday, July 6, 2012

Oh My Soul, Text


I am a very strong believer that we all possess spirit guides and guardian angels who assist us on our earth journey and mission. It behooves us to call out and get to know our guides, for there is much they can do for us. I also believe that we possess inner guides as well and that one of our most precious guides is our very own 'soul.' Many years ago when going through some dark nights of the soul, I asked my soul for guidance. I was given a 'writing' from a deeper level of my being. I know that we can all make the deeper connection to our soul and we can receive information and answers to our questions. This 'writing' Oh, my soul, is from my metaphysical book, Morning Coffee With God, published by Ozark Mountain Publishing in 2009. Enjoy!

Oh, My Soul

The next few days I was busy with practical things that needed tending to. I welcomed a little inactivity from my inner world, but the following Monday my divine guest showed up bright and early. I was beginning to enjoy sleeping and dreaming in ways I never had before or even thought possible.

Mr. Divine was casually dressed in denim jeans and a bulky knit multi-colored sweater, and brand new white Nike walking shoes. I knew the chill in my kitchen would be ebbed away by the fireplace. When he looked at me I melted into those deep, penetrating, mysterious, blue eyes. There was so much I wanted to ask him, so much I wanted and needed to talk about, but the look in his eyes told me to be patient. Questions and queries could wait. Mr. Divine was my guest and it was my responsibility to make him comfortable. He waited for me to speak.

“Would you like to sit over here by the fireplace? I will pull the coffee table close by and you can enjoy the warmth of the fire while I brew some coffee,” I said excitedly.

“It is so comfortable and cozy in this kitchen.”

“I spend a lot of time in this room. I even have a computer set up in the back corner where I do some writing. I like a warm fire in an otherwise cold room; it seems to take me to another place and time. Does that make sense to you?” I stammered the question to him.

“Right now I am more interested in that delightful robust scent that is drifting throughout this kitchen. I want to drink the aroma in,” Mr. Divine soothingly spoke.

“It is flavored coffee, Hazelnut, one of my favorites that I thought you might enjoy. It never needs cream nor sugar; it bellows flavor before it is even tasted,” I explained.

“Let’s just sit and sip for awhile. I want to know that you hear with your heart,” he said with his eyes lazily closed, his hands wrapped around the hot coffee cup that was resting on his lap.

I could actually hear the silence. How do I explain this? I know it sounded strange but I just knew I could hear the silence. What was the silence saying? What was the explanation of the sounds? I took another sip and slipped into another place, along side Mr. Divine. Where were we going? my mind kept asking and the silence kept speaking. How long would it take before I could understand the language of the silence?

Moments passed. Perhaps hours or even days. I had completely lost count of time. I was in another world far away from here. In this world the silence ruled. After what seemed an eternity, I began to hear from the gentle wells of the silence a soft murmur. I leaned and cocked my head forward and Mr. Divine gently spoke these words.

“Michael, the Silence is a good mentor and friend. It bestows many gifts for those who take the time to listen.”

“I have received many writings after being in the silence. There were times when I would spend two or even three hours in silent meditation. I noticed that my writings became deeper, and I think much better and more clearly after some of those long meditations. And to think some people consider meditation a waste of time. One of my favorite “writings” Oh my soul,came to me after a long meditation. It confirmed my belief and need for time in the silence and solitude.”

Mr. Divine’s eyes lit up in a twinkling glow. “I would love to hear Oh my soul, Michael.”

“It is a writing that I have memorized.”

“I know,” he said smiling.

I closed my eyes and with much honor and excitement I slowly

recited Oh my soulto my most supreme guest.

Oh, my Soul!

Oh, my Soul!
I hardly knew you at all.

Wasted years I spent chasing happiness and peace through ephemeral satisfactions only to have them disappear being replaced by the illusory goblins of bitterness, yearning, and sorrow. I have been an actor hiding behind the mask of delusion. How could anyone possibly know me when I have been disguised from myself? After so many performances of counterfeit roles, I began disappearing into the facade, gradually losing all sense of self.

Oh, my Soul!

Why did I lock you away in the somber dungeon of forgetfulness where the dark shadows and cobwebs of pain and suffering nearly blurred your image beyond recognition? Is it no wonder there was only deadness and hollow emptiness inside my heart? I ignored your cries until they dwindled to mere faint whispers I heard only in moments of quiet desperation, whose only power was to evoke a black incomprehensible sadness which disappeared with the night only to return again and again to haunt me.

Oh, my Soul, such estrangement and alienation from you embittered my heart, suffocating my life way with the ropes of apathy and despair. How I feared those vague moments of reverie when my heart heard your solemn faint echoes.

Oh, my Soul! How have you survived such abandon? How you kept from being mercilessly devoured by my doubts and fears is a mystery I cannot penetrate. Perhaps you fled during my nights of restless sleep, receiving nourishment and inspiration from some unknown source beyond mortal confines. Perhaps there you drank from magical rivers to renew your strength.

The source of your life is an enigma to me, but need I know your origin nor understand you to love you, beseech you for help, and in humble gratitude accept your gifts? My intuition says no. Despite my fear of becoming a walking incarnation of death, I cried out to you to rescue me from the lonely pit of despair and agonizing solitude. Utterly exhausted, I hobbled to the mirror hoping you would show me your face. Slowly, I opened my eyes and beheld a radiant smile I had not seen before.

“Oh, my Soul,”I cried in tearful ecstasy. “You still live.”

“Yes,”an inner voice replied, “and so will you. Your call was the key to release me from the dungeon of forgetfulness and death. Henceforth, you will be embraced by life.”

“Oh, my Soul, your strength is slowly bringing life back to me, awakening and resurrecting buried hopes and dreams. Like a child, I am comforted by your embrace. In your heart dwells the secrets and answers to life which you are imparting to me.”

“I will lock you away no more. I open my mind and heart to you. My nightmarish slumber is over. It is time to merge in your love and then share my story with others who would hear the voice of their soul.

“Oh, my Soul, at last, my heart to thee do I wed!”

I softly repeated the last line over and over, “Oh, my Soul, at last, my heart to thee do I wed!” I opened my eyes slowly. It felt like I was floating in the air. I don’t think I had ever felt so calm and serene. Mr. Divine seemed to glow even more than usual. His eyes were closed and I sensed that he was in another place. I wanted to ask him what he thought of Oh my soul but the mere thought of talking seemed inappropriate and even cumbersome. I closed my eyes again. Perhaps I could somehow go to that magical place of mystique where he was. Perhaps the silence could take me there?

Blessings,  Mikethe Psychic/Poet/Channel/Metaphysical Spiritual Teacher and Author of  metaphysical books:  Morning Coffee With God  and  God's Many Mansions  /  

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